HINT #4: "To Call, Or NOT To Call?"
My apologies for ripping off Shakespeare, but that IS the question. Besides, the dude
has been dead for hundreds of years.
After sending a package to a prospective employer, what do you do? Sit sit and wait
it out...or do you call them?
Take a look at most of the job opportunities, trades or internet, and you will see a
short, terse, phrase: "NO CALLS".
You really want the job, and you've sent the best package you could put together with
a demo that just SMOKES, and now you're NOT supposed to call?
Here's a little history.
Back in the Ancient Days Of Radio ('70's), Program Directors actually gauged a
potential air talent's desire to be on their team by how long it took the talent to call,
how often, and in most cases . (Holy Crap!)
Somehow, over the years, Program Directors have changed their attitudes on getting
and taking phone calls from air talent.
In the Modern World, most Program Directors, Consultants, Operations Managers
have decided to use the front desk as a buffer. The very receptionist who initially
answered the phone is now the "goalie" who has to divert/deflect your call. It's not
that she WANTS to tell you that "Mr./Miss PD" is:
A) In a meeting
B) On another line
C) Out of the office
D) Other excuse d'jour.
It's orders.
It's what they were told to do.
In a way, you also have to look at it from the PD's prospective. All day they have to
do their duties...all the while being bombarded with phone calls from prospective air
talent who want to know if they are in the running. It certainly would get tedious.
The other thing to remember is the sheer volume of applicants.
Not long ago, I applied for a Morning Show position for a medium market gig in
Texas. Having an "in" through a consultant, I actually called! The PD actually took
the call! (Holy Crap!) In our very brief conversation, the PD said that in the last 5
days since he had put an ad in the trades, no less than 400 (!) packages had arrived.
Can you imagine trying to do your day-to-day duties, and having over 400 air talents
calling, and expecting you to take every call?
Most times, you will be diverted to "Voice Mail". If so, leave a short message: who
you are, your home phone number, and something like : "I'm very psyched at the
possibility of being on your team, and hope the package arrived safely...let me know if
it didn't."
If you do get through, or do get a callback, you're getting more feedback than most.
If you don't get through, or don't get a callback, don't take it personally.
Remember this: PD's WILL call those air talents who ARE in the running, regardless
of whether you call them or not. If you send a package, and are not called, there's
nothing you can/could do to change that anyway.
Recommendation: if the ad says "NO CALLS", then don't. If the ad says "Calls OK"
then call.
I once called a Boston CHR PD 45 business days in a row to show him how persistent
I was, and how much I wanted to be on his team. The only thing it got me was a $250
dollar phone bill. Not one call was taken or returned.
Save the money you planned on spending on phone calls and invest it in making the
best presentation package you can.
The absolute BEST alternative to calling is using the very medium you are sitting in
front of right now.
Your computer.
E-mail the PD. If his/her e-mail address is not included in the opportunities ad, go
looking for it. The "E-mail Directory" of www.allaccess.com is the first resource
you should use. If no located there, go to www.bigfoot.com and click on the "People
Search" tab, and do a search there for the person's email address. It's free, and the
PD/OM can answer your inquiry when/if they have time.
The RockRadio1 Jobs Section"
Together Your Audition Tape"
Together Your Presentation Package"
Effects Of 9-11 On Your Job Search"
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